The Flying Man

A lovely summer's day. A huge green expanse. Somewhere like Hyde Park. Scores of people lounging and lazing in the sunshine. But with a purpose, as if waiting for something to begin. It felt like some sort of commemoration or national celebration. The air was buzzing with a sense of anticipation.
A strange trio made there way through the crowd. A man, a woman and a child. All three dressed in startling yellow clothes. Their matching apparel consisted of bright canary Wellingtons; lemon hued water-proofed trousers, bananary shirts and long, flowing maize coloured mackintoshes.
The odd family strolled towards a bench that was painted an equally luminous shade of egg-yoke. They all sat down and suddenly the bench began to rise off the ground. It floated higher and higher, taking them up high into the sky. The crowd, slightly distracted, looked on with no apparent surprise - as if the whole thing were perfectly normal.
I, however, was amazed. Yet I had the nagging feeling that somehow I'd forgotten the fact that this was actually a really very mundane occurrence and that there was a name for this "event" but I simply couldn't recall it.
Then the Yellow man did something astounding. He flung himself off the bench and began to acrobatically glide through the air - flying this way and that, free as a bird. His yellow mackintosh swept behind him like a superhero's cape, billowing in the wind, as he turning and twisted through the clouds.
The crowd rustled with murmurs of "Ooooh" and "Ahhhhh" and somebody commented "He's definitely a professional."
I watched as the Flying Yellow Man rose higher and higher, ascending at an astonishing vertical pace. Soon he had almost disappeared out of sight, all that we could see was a tiny speck twinkling miles above us in the sky.
Then he began to descend. Hurtling earthwards like a shooting star. Breaking through the stratosphere, diving through the clouds. Falling faster and faster, flaring and flashing, becoming brighter and lighter. Until suddenly he plunged through the clouds above us, transformed into a magnificent, blazing, golden ball of light. Glowing with a pure, blinding brilliance. Shining brighter than the sun. Beautifully Iridescent.
Woke up in a good mood.
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