Weird Waiter & the Easter Island Eclipse

Only a short dream, but very memorable. When it started I was in a restaurant with some friends, waiting to make our food orders. For some strange reason every time the Waiter came to serve us I got the distinct impression he kept on banging into or brushing against me on purpose. Things finally came to a head and my suspicions were confirmed when the Weird Waiter blatantly started touching my hair whilst he collected our plates.
"What do you think you're doing?" I shouted in absolute outrage, but the Weird Waiter just looked at me blankly and shrugged his shoulders like he was totally innocent - Yet the very next second, as soon as I looked way, he started doing it again - roughly combing my hair with his fingers.
Astonished and shocked at his behaviour I nevertheless felt embarrassed at the possibility of making a scene in the restaurant, so I tried to keep calm and just kept quietly admonishing him, urging him to "Please. Stop now. Come on this is ridiculous!"
Next thing I remember is sitting reading the Sunday papers with my girlfriend. I was relaxing, reading the Travel section, sipping a cup of tea. Suddenly I saw an advert that made me jump out of my seat with excitement.
"This is unbelievable" I squealed, my mind boggling from a rush of euphoria "What a brilliant bargain!".
"What? What is it?" asked my good lady.
I proceeded to eagerly read out the details of the advert - "£134 for five days in Easter Island - FLIGHTS INCLUDED!!! - To watch the Solar Eclipse on March the 15th!"
"Maybe it's a mis-print. Perhaps it's meant to say £1,134" said the lady of the house.
I read and re-read the advert, utterly amazed at how cheap the offer was; double-checking that I hadn't mis-read it or missed some small-print. But it all seemed legit, a bona fidi bargain-not-to-be-missed!
"We've got to do it!" I yelled, "We've got to phone and book it RIGHT AWAY! They're bound to sell out in no time - Everyone in the country will be buying tickets!"
I rushed for the phone and began to dial. My heart was beating triple speed as I pictured myself standing amidst the ancient statues of Easter Island, watching the cosmic grandeur of a solar eclipse taking place in the clear Pacific skies above.
Then my alarm went off and I woke up....Out of curiosity I typed "Easter Island Eclipse" into google this morning - Turns out there IS one happening in line with the Island, but not till 2010...Maybe I'll try and be there for that!
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