
I was waiting in line, part of a mammoth queue that snaked past famous London landmarks like Big Ben, the Eye and the houses of parliament. I wasn't too sure what the queue was for but everyone seemed very excited. After awhile the queue moved forward enough for me to see that there were humongous metallic rails stretching over the Thames, twisting and spiralling between the skyscrapers over our heads. And speeding along the rails, gleaming in the sunshine, was a giant rollercoaster. It was the latest "London Eye" type initiative and everyone was flocking to have a go.
In waking life I don't really like rollercoasters, but in my dream I didn't seem too apprehensive (although I do remember thinking it was a prime target for a terrorist attack). Anyway, all at once I was at the head of the queue and realized I needed the toilet. I was directed to a little wood hut. I went inside and entered a cubicle, unbuckled my belt and prepared to relive myself...then abruptly stopped when I noticed there was no lock on the cubicle door and it was swinging wide open. I heard someone else entering the shack so I quickly pushed the door closed and held it shut with my foot.
For some reason I couldn't relax enough to continue my bowel and bladder ebullitions whilst I had company in the hut, so I waited till I heard the man leave. But no sooner had he gone than I heard the sounds of another person entering to take his place...As you can probably guess, this pattern then continued ad infinitum (until I awoke), one person would enter as another one left. The result being that I was "trapped" in the cubicle - increasingly desperate to let loose, but too pernickety about having some "privacy" to do so. This in itself was frustrating but as time passed I knew I was missing my go on the rollercoaster to boot. Typical.
Remember when we went on the Pepsi Drop at The Trocadero and it nearly killed you? I had real second thoughts about dragging onto it when we were about to drop.
Oh god, that was SO scary! I couldn't breath for about 30 seconds...was fun in retrospect.
Brighton? What happened in Brighton...did we go on a ride?
I remember being very hungover after Celia's party - and feeling sick because I'd eaten some soup/noodles out of a bowl that someone had apparently been sick in earlier - urgh!
Oh there was that thing that threw us upside down on the pier - didn't it screw you up mentally, PB?
God, I must of found it really traumatic as I seemed to have blocked the entire episode from my mind!!...was it one of the boat type things that swings upside down...that rings a bell.
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